Tuesday, 14 February 2012

/b/ for BRILLIANT!

Mondays is U7’s tutoring and as I am often in the library before it starts I am often finding myself telling the U7 at woodlands to ‘come back in half an hour’. It is great to see the little ones so eager to learn and read stories. Codi will often pick a book and pretend to read regardless of what is on the page but he gets lost in his own little world, and isn’t that why we all read?
          My two U7 which I have had for 2 weeks now, Codi and Zioh are just a joy to teach. This week we read all about slithery snakes, very scary crocodiles and lots and lot of noisy monkeys to make our jungle. We focused on the letter /b/ and all things /b/. We spotted 50 things beginning with /b/ then we marveled at my surprise /b/ box to see what was inside. Both of them did brilliantly and we finished of the lesson making our very own /b/ pictures. I was very impressed with Codi’s writing and how he was so eager to copy my spellings but then add his own /b/ to his other pictures and Zioh is always very colourful with his colouring. I wonder what letter it will be next week and what will be in my next box of tricks!

By Jennifer Pickett, UK
Long term volunteer

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