Saturday 18 August 2012

Woodlands library is in full swing!

Library Assistants, Laaiqa and Sylivia with Jennifer

Woodlands library is proudly reading stories to +/- 700 students, providing support to those who need it and opening the library doors at every possible turn to invite children into the world of stories, imagination and information. Wednesday 8th August saw the official opening ceremony with all the educators, grade R, the library team and lay minister Gerald Adams to mark the occasion. After a short prayer and a speech by Mrs Davids, Grade 1 educator, the ribbon was cut and everyone was invited to see the library and its fresh look. I think I can safely say that everyone was impressed with the way the library looked and you could feel that this is really it, the real deal this project is growing.

2 weeks have passed since that day and the library is going from strength to strength. The children have embraced the space and love their story time, whilst the older grades are starting to utilise the space to assist their project work. Break times and after school are now popular times for children to come and read independently with the library bursting at the seams. Grade 6A were awarded the library certificate this week for an outstanding performance in the library quiz and behaviour that really did them proud. Read next weeks blog to find out what the children get up to this week!

By Jennifer Pickett

1 comment:

  1. The feeling in the Library is WOW - it did not feel like that in the beginning but Jenny has made this space into something special. You can feel learning is taking place and eagerness is in the air to touch and want to read books. Thanks so much for your effort that you put into these students you really are MAKING A DIFFERENCE!
